Tuesday 8 August 2017

One of those 'Bleugh' days...

Do you ever wake up in the morning and automatically feel 'Bleugh'? Like it's just an off day. For some reason your mood is a little crappy and you genereally just don't feel motivated to do anything? Well that's one of those days for me today. I instantly see them as a 'write off'...a waste of a day. But is it really? Let me explain...

It's completely normal and ok to just be in an off mood for no reason. For starters, it's unnatural for anyone to fel happy 100% all of the time - and that's ok. Also, there doesn't need to be a reason behind as to why you may feel low in mood. I woke up this morning just not having any energy or motvation to do anything. I definitely don't think the weather helps with it being rainy all day! But I just wanted a 'stay at home' day. I questionned myself as to why I felt a bit 'bleugh' but there is no real reason, but like I said is that ok. For some reason not doing anything 'productive' initally sparked off thoughts surrounding guilt. Guilty for not 'achieving' something, Guilty for not contributing towards myself or in genereal towards society in some shape or form.

I know this may all sound weird as to why I'm writing this but it's because in the past when feeling 'low' for any reason at all, I would always revert back to some sort of negative behaviour to either escape/numb this emotion I wasn't very fond of. Usually this is through food; not feeling deserving due to my lack of 'meanlines day'. BUT thoughts are just thoughts and you don't need to act on them, and I don't anymore. Instead I try and do more helpful things to lift my mood, and sort of just accept i'm feeling not 100%, that's ok and it WILL go.

There are so many little things you can do to lift your mood which may seem small but they really do help. For example, I've watched some TV I enjoy and forced myself out for a coffee for a change of scenery and picked something nice to have for tea tonight! I've spent the majority of the day cosy in bed with my dressing gown and...that's ok! Even just writing this post to expres my emotions is a tool that can help.

What I'm trying to say is
1) It's ok to have an off day
2) Not feeling overly happy is OK - it will pass
3) A day spent relaxing is NOT a waste of the day. It's nice to have one (and there are little things to lift your mood)

And for me personally... I have achieved something,. I've achieved the ability to use my skills as to help my mood rather than use old behaviours as a way of coping, so actually I can tell myself it's a good day?

Sorry this is compltely random but these are my thoughts of the day!

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