Wednesday 24 January 2018

Anxiety: You’re physically present but you’re mind feels elsewhere


I’m mainly writing this blog post to see if anyone out there has experiences of the same thing (what I’m going to explain!)

I already know that my main issue relating to mental health is anxiety. I’ve come to understand this during the past 2 years.

This time last year was when I suffered from panic attacks for the first time ever. The main emotion o felt when these happened was ‘dread’ and impending doom. I always felt like I was going to die and I felt I was confirming this to myself when my heart was racing, I felt really warm like I was going to pass out and sometimes I felt like I wasn’t present; like I was in a dream or something. I’ve come to the understanding that I only experienced these things when in a panic attack.

Fast forward to now, and I don’t suffer from panic attacks anymore and I think bags the result from coming to understand them more, and looking at evidence of when they’ve occurred,  nothing bad has ever happened (I haven’t died!). These past couple of weeks I’ve been feeling more stressed and anxious then normal. But on the past couple of days I’ve felt the ‘impending doom’ again. I was out earlier and I felt like I wasn’t there; even though I was. I felt like I was not in touch with reality and this made me feel crazy. I wasn’t having a panic attack because I didn’t get the racing heart etc. It’s just that as soon as I felt detached that’s when the impending doom feeling came. It feels horrible and I wish there was an explanation for it. I’ve felt overwhelmed with my emotions recently and I don’t know if this has lead to how I felt? I just feel confused because I don’t have panic attacks anymore.

Sorry for the ramble I just wanted to reach out in case anyone else has ever felt the same (and for reassurance I’m not going mad!!) 

Chelsea xx

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